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Backpack Buddies

Cypress Hills Fundraiser for Backpack Buddies

Cypress Hills Partners is proud to work with Backpack Buddies in their mission to help reduce food insecurity among children in BC’s most vulnerable communities. Kids should not have to worry about where their next meal will come from. Providing kids with sufficient amount of quality food sets them up for success not only in their current situation, but also for all later stages in life.

Many families are financially forced to rely on school support programs to provide for the bulk of their children’s nutritional needs, but weekends pose a particular challenge as these programs are not available. Backpack Buddies is working to close this gap by providing a weekly bag of food for up to 4,500 families across British Columbia.

We at Cypress Hills Partners will volunteer our time to pack one bag for every dollar we raise for this very important initiative.

Our goal is $10,000 = 10,000 bags packed!

Thank you for joining us in supporting this important cause! No child should have to go hungry. 

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